Statement: Build Back Better Framework

Women Employed
1 min readOct 28, 2021

October 28, 2021

The Build Back Better Framework is an essential first step toward not just recovering from the pandemic, but also building an economy that recognizes the needs of women, caregivers, and families. The framework includes historic investments in child care and home care; tax relief for workers and families; Pell grants; and more. We applaud the workers, advocates, and policymakers who championed these policies and who are committed to continue pushing for an equitable recovery and economy.

While we celebrate the wins within the Build Back Better Framework, we are also angry and frustrated that it is missing a cornerstone of any effort intended to support working women and families — a national paid family and medical leave program.

Paid leave helps women stay in the workforce or return to work, advances gender equity, keeps families safe, and continues our economic recovery. Its exclusion will hurt all of us and especially those who disproportionately lack access to paid leave — working women who are paid low wages and women of color.

We will not give up on establishing a comprehensive, universal paid family and medical leave program because we know we cannot build back better without it.



Women Employed

WE relentlessly pursue equity for women in the workforce by effecting policy change, expanding access to education, & advocating for fair, inclusive workplaces.